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A Cold Winter Hike (*only not so cold. And muddy)

By Scribe and Historian Sarah K

December 29, 2022

A group of scouts on the trail in the woods
Selfie time on the trail

Troop 222 went on a hike at Cool Creek Park. Six Scouts, plus four adults, came along.

On this hike, we identified different trees.

We also had to go through some pretty muddy trails.

Cool Creek in winter, with trees and lots of mud.
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New Heights at our Climbing Lock-in

By Scribe and Historian Sarah K

November 18, 2022

Troop 222 had an overnight lock-in at Climb Time Indy, where we were free to climb all night.

Scribe selfie from 10 feet up

Eleven Scouts and three adults came.

Most people were up past 1 am climbing around while others were sitting, wrapped in blankets, and eating snacks.

A scout being belayed down from the climbing wall
Just “hanging” around.
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