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More First Aid, Still No Emergency — but we are ready

If she’s hurt, we can carry her out!

It took some time to get all the First Aid requirements finished, but after a couple of meetings, we’ve looked at them all. (We also practiced here.) When new scouts join, we hope that we can then teach them these techniques through the EDGE method. One thing for sure — we’ll probably remember these by how much fun we had learning and practicing. Remember when we carried each other in blankets? Or Mr. Sherrill’s “broken” arm?

Taaa-daa! Mr. Sherrill’s arm is in a sling, and he is ready to get treatment.

We laughed a lot, but we learn and remember better when we have fun. Scouting is “fun with a purpose,” and we definitely had fun doing this stuff. But did Scoutmaster Tiffany trust those girls who were going to carry her to safety after her fake broken leg?

Safe carrying!

Are you working on your First Aid merit badge? Scoutsmarts offers a guide to that Eagle-required merit badge, which is a good starting point for a lot of others (like Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving). If you missed any of the requirements or want a refresher, Scouting Life magazine has videos and more to help, found here.

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