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Tag: First Aid

More First Aid, Still No Emergency — but we are ready

If she’s hurt, we can carry her out!

It took some time to get all the First Aid requirements finished, but after a couple of meetings, we’ve looked at them all. (We also practiced here.) When new scouts join, we hope that we can then teach them these techniques through the EDGE method. One thing for sure — we’ll probably remember these by how much fun we had learning and practicing. Remember when we carried each other in blankets? Or Mr. Sherrill’s “broken” arm?

Taaa-daa! Mr. Sherrill’s arm is in a sling, and he is ready to get treatment.
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First Aid without the emergency

We had a lot to deal with, what with Scoutmasters Jenny, Mary and Annie’s (fake) injuries, but we learned some first aid to help them. Fake animals bit them. We had to flush things out of our eyes, and treated our scoutmasters’ fake burns and learned how to get a fish hook out of their skin. (We didn’t harm any scoutmasters in these practice scenarios.)

Girl with water bottle gently drops water on another girl's face.
Practicing flushing an object out of someone’s eye is best done when there’s not a real emergency.

From our Scribe, Claire:

“We learned about First Aid and demonstrated on Annie, Mary, and Jenny. We learned … Read the rest

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