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Welcome to the Stone Age — Our first Camporee was a Smash!

Troop 222 “rocked” the Stone Age with Oog and friends at the Fall Camporee

Scouts BSA pose in front of trailer
Showing off our loaded trailer as we head out after a successful weekend

We headed to Ransburg for our first Fall Camporee, and this trip included our troop trailer for the first time!

The Stone Age Camporee was organized by Troop 202 of Carmel, and featured scout skills activities with a Stone Age theme. We arrived in time to check out our campsite before the sun set — but we had to set up camp in the dark. This was a new challenge and proved a little difficult — be everyone managed to get their tents set and ready for a chilly night’s sleep.

Girls set up a tent in the dark
Setting up a tent in the dark is a little more challenging, but we got the job done.

Our morning started quite early because we wanted to make sure we were up and breakfasted before flags and the activities — which meant it wasn’t light yet when we started setting up our kitchen and cooking. But the chill in the air didn’t slow us down — and we made it in time!

Scouts cooking breakfast at sunrise
Scouts worked on breakfast as the sun rose

We visited stations in the morning and afternoon to test our Scout Skills, including lashings, casting, orienteering, knots, construction — it was such fun!

In the evening, we enjoyed a fun campfire program with skits and songs in Stone Age style. Then we went back to camp for a long-awaited treat — stuffed bananas. We’ve meant to make these for a couple of campouts and finally got to do it! Each scout made one, and they all enjoyed eating them, too!

We stuffed bananas with chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers, wrapped them in aluminum foil and then cooked them over the fire. Then it was delicious snack time!

Pretty sure everyone slept really well after a long and active day — and someone’s scoutmaster overslept by almost half an hour Sunday morning! (Whoops!) Breakfast, Scout’s Own, and awards — a chance to celebrate success for the troops in the games and activities. It was especially nice to have First Year Patrols recognized in each activity!
And what a success! Our troop WON the First-Year award in “Lend a Hand” — the activity where two scouts were paired to tie knots, each using one hand. Adult leaders got awards, too! Our adults were awarded for the Monkey Fist Festivities because we ALL made Monkey Fit knots. But then! The big one! Our Adults were awarded for Adult Participation in the adult stations (all of us did all of them — a memory game, the monkey fist, the Lend a hand knots) and (drumroll please) our troop received the Top First-Year Patrol award!

Stone Age Camporee was fantastic! What’s next?

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