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Tag: Scout Skills

Have you been Orienteering? Let’s see how it goes…

Orienteering is a fun activity that lets you use a map and compass — or a compass and instructions — and your pace to follow a course.

Once you learn the distance of your particular pace, you can start to learn how many steps you take per foot — and you can then, by counting your steps, walk a certain distance. Why learn to do this? For orienteering as an activity — it’s fun to challenge yourself to work through a course and see how well you did. But what if you’re trying to give someone directions? You will get … Read the rest

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Let’s Go Fishing: Working on the fishing merit badge

Working on the Fishing Merit Badge by Historian Hannah

We went fishing on Sunday, June 5.

Ellie caught some algae. She’d catch an actual fish later.

We had four scouts go to the fishing event. They were Ellador, Charli, Ellie, and Hannah.

Ellador watches the fish steal yet another worm.

We all caught fish!

Hannah prepares her pole

We went to a Carmel park to fish.

Charli points out the fish she caught.

Grandpa Marv, Scoutmaster Jenny, and Mr. King also had fun fishing. … Read the rest


Welcome to the Stone Age — Our first Camporee was a Smash!

Troop 222 “rocked” the Stone Age with Oog and friends at the Fall Camporee

Scouts BSA pose in front of trailer
Showing off our loaded trailer as we head out after a successful weekend

We headed to Ransburg for our first Fall Camporee, and this trip included our troop trailer for the first time!

The Stone Age Camporee was organized by Troop 202 of Carmel, and featured scout skills activities with a Stone Age theme. We arrived in time to check out our campsite before the sun set — but we had to set up camp in the dark. This was a new challenge and proved a … Read the rest

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