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Tag: Hiking

Have you been Orienteering? Let’s see how it goes…

Orienteering is a fun activity that lets you use a map and compass — or a compass and instructions — and your pace to follow a course.

Once you learn the distance of your particular pace, you can start to learn how many steps you take per foot — and you can then, by counting your steps, walk a certain distance. Why learn to do this? For orienteering as an activity — it’s fun to challenge yourself to work through a course and see how well you did. But what if you’re trying to give someone directions? You will get … Read the rest

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A Cold Winter Hike (*only not so cold. And muddy)

By Scribe and Historian Sarah K

December 29, 2022

A group of scouts on the trail in the woods
Selfie time on the trail

Troop 222 went on a hike at Cool Creek Park. Six Scouts, plus four adults, came along.

On this hike, we identified different trees.

We also had to go through some pretty muddy trails.

Cool Creek in winter, with trees and lots of mud.
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Five Miles of Smiles (and more)

A five-mile hike is one of the requirements for advancement — and we have the perfect place for it!

Strawtown Koteewi Park is a great park northeast of town with walking trails, Indian artifacts, a nature center, camping, fishing, zip lines, horseback riding, archery… We recommend Koteewi for a lot of outdoor fun.

We met on a Saturday morning and got our compasses and maps and even bags for trash. Ginny had some camp songs for the trail, and there was a lot of enthusiasm. But picking up trash and having fun also means you might take a wrong turn… … Read the rest

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