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Tag: Camping

Welcome to the Stone Age — Our first Camporee was a Smash!

Troop 222 “rocked” the Stone Age with Oog and friends at the Fall Camporee

Scouts BSA pose in front of trailer
Showing off our loaded trailer as we head out after a successful weekend

We headed to Ransburg for our first Fall Camporee, and this trip included our troop trailer for the first time!

The Stone Age Camporee was organized by Troop 202 of Carmel, and featured scout skills activities with a Stone Age theme. We arrived in time to check out our campsite before the sun set — but we had to set up camp in the dark. This was a new challenge and proved a … Read the rest

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Should have written it sooner, but the rest of camp was amazing!

Daily camp summaries seemed like a great idea, but once you get finished with the week and don’t get it all written down… well, time flies and it doesn’t happen. So after the first couple of days, we present…


Highlights include:

Hammock time — hanging out in the hammock, chilling, laughing. This is when we get to catch our breath.

Girls in a hammock
Hanging out in the hammock in the shade is a lot cooler.

Wednesday is Troop Night, and we went into Bedford to the Golden Corral. An air-conditioned restaurant was a great treat — as was the chance to pick … Read the rest

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Summer Camp commences: The first full day of camp

Flag raising

The morning at camp started at 6:15 — for most of us. Some of us were up before that, but everyone was up at 6:15 when SPL Nora got everyone up. It was smacking the tent doors and calling out “Good morning! Wake up!” that got everyone going.

Nora wakes up the troop.
Callia and Nora are ready to head up for breakfast

Hoppers reported to the dining hall at 7 am to get everything set up. Hoppers set the table, bring the food to the tables (we eat family style). Each table seats eight, and so our … Read the rest

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Summer Camp orientation: My head is spinning!

Troop 222 Scouts are ready to go to Ransburg for summer camp!

One of the biggest events for a Scouts BSA troop is going to summer camp. Everyone packed their own stuff — and we gathered to load the trailer and get on the road!

Scout camp is an amazing chance to earn merit badges, work toward rank advancement, meet other scouts, sleep at camp — all the things. But we were all nervous about it as well. First time at Ransburg Scout Reservation!

We got to camp and had a whirlwind orientation — they checked health forms, told us … Read the rest

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New Scouts Camp Out (at New Scout Campout)

New Scout Campout was our first camping trip, and it sure was memorable!

Maybe some people wouldn’t have fun camping on a rainy and cold March weekend, but the excitement of our first outing made it all worthwhile.

Our site was Walking Bear campsite at Camp Kikthewenund (“Camp K”). We set up our tents on the platforms they use for summer camp (the tents they use aren’t up yet) and spent the day learning different scout skills that we need for our first couple of ranks.

We learned first aid, hiking safety, how to raise and lower the flag, and … Read the rest

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