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Should have written it sooner, but the rest of camp was amazing!

Daily camp summaries seemed like a great idea, but once you get finished with the week and don’t get it all written down… well, time flies and it doesn’t happen. So after the first couple of days, we present…


Highlights include:

Hammock time — hanging out in the hammock, chilling, laughing. This is when we get to catch our breath.

Girls in a hammock
Hanging out in the hammock in the shade is a lot cooler.

Wednesday is Troop Night, and we went into Bedford to the Golden Corral. An air-conditioned restaurant was a great treat — as was the chance to pick whatever we wanted to eat (and drink) — and desserts. The family behind us was celebrating Grandma’s 94th birthday, and we joined in singing “Happy Birthday” to her, much to her joy.

Firecrafter — a council-wide camping honorary — gave our scouts something to do when we weren’t in classes or activities. The first level of Firecrafter (Camper) involves Scout skills and service — and we had helpers in camp as well as at the Firecrafter shelter. Two of the boys from 183 next door had Firecrafter programs for the final rank, and we got to enjoy them in our camp area!

The Ransburg Triathlon was Thursday night — and several of our scouts joined in! Who knew so many of our girls wanted to paddle their way through the challenge, but it was a blast!

Scouts with leaders Annie and Troy (and cheerer Callia) had a great time canoeing in the triathlon. Camper also ran and biked to finish the challenge.

Friday, we had camp clean-up duty and took on the Jackson shower facility — it only took about half an hour to clean the bathroom/shower rooms. Thanks to everyone doing their part, the showers were safe and clean for everyone — but we felt pretty tough for doing our cleaning job!

Mission accomplished! The Jackson was clean when we were finished!

Camp was amazing. We finished a bunch of merit badges, got involved in camp life, and tried a bunch of new things! Troop 222 took on Ransburg and emerged proud, strong, and excited for whatever is next!

Scouts gathered at the Ransburg Office chimney
We made it through an exciting week — this was our last picture together before we headed out on Saturday!

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